I Miss The D. You miss the D. We all miss the D. From waiting in line at the ass crack of dawn till the sack shrinking cold of the night hits you just to get on 3 rides while one of them breaks down halfway through, to getting overpriced frozen pineapple water, to choking on stale churros while accidentally calling it daddy underneath your breath and finishing it all off with a stroll down Main Street to shop for expensive low quality merchandise that you're just going to forget about in a week anyway, there's nothing quite like the D. So clutch your now useless Annual Pass, put on one of your 30+ pair of ears, try to hold back your Tick-Tock Crocodile sized tears and buy this terrible 2.3" "I Miss The D: Rose On Rose Gold Edition" Enamel Pin in hard polished rose gold metal with glittery soft rose pink enamel right now so you can let the whole world know exactly how you feel. It's okay. Just let that lingering turkey leg taste in your mouth comfort you while you listen to it's a small world on repeat and cry and I promise you that everything will be just fine*...
*promises not guaranteed, kept or honored
Made in poor taste in Los Angeles, CA
*This is a poorly made pin made by a poorly made human being
*It is not suitable for anyone of any age
*Do not gift gift this to your kids and then send me hate mail after they start crying
*It's a fucking joke. Calm down. Don't take it too hard (that's what she said).
*Love the D. Miss the D. But whatever you do don't take the D for granted.
*I'm talking about the theme park you dirty bastard
*Haha! Oh boy!